Electric Toto
The device, known as the Intelligent Energy Controller (IEC), mounted at the individual panel level is a unique technology that boosts the efficiency in terms of extra kms/day for E-Vehicles, thus extending the per day life of the vehicle and battery by reducing the Depth of Discharge in the battery. The following are some of its distinct advantages.
- Very high efficiency, 97%
- Harvests the energy at the Module level, hence over comes very practical and real losses such as dust accumulation, shadow effects,bird droppings, cabling losses, and other such debris that might hamper maximum insolation.
- Being a parallel connection, during any failure in the arreay due to losses mentioned above, it will affect only one unit and rest will yield the energy unlike in a Serially connected array.
- Soiling/shadow will affect only the covered area and rest of the module will still generate the power.
- In case of a failure in one MPPT in an arreay, it will be restrict to that module and remaining will still deliver the power.
- Offers 10% more energy with the same array as compared to a centralized MPPT. Easy to & maintain.
- The DoD (Depth of Discharge) & maintenance in the battery can be minimized and life expectancy of the battery can be enhanced with the adoption of this technology.
Increses Mileage upto 25 to 30%
Extra income
Easy to Install
Enhanced Battery Life